In this shifting world, heading into the Age of Aquarius - the terms of life are changing People don’t want to conform to society They want more meaningful careers and relationships They are less motivated by money and more motivated by internal wisdom More psychic gifts are coming online and even more near death experience conversations are being talked about Plant medicines are making a come back, but how do you partake of them safely? People are becoming more health conscious but where does one turn amidst so many magic pills and quick fixes? How does one really meditate and quiet the mind? How does one go about becoming more in tune and more ”spiritual”? Misty Magdalena Grace and her guests are here to help you improve your health and wealth creation, by going INWARD to ultimately trusting your own innate Wisdom But how do we do that? Tune in to learn! Formerly known as Lois Koffi, now her ceremonial spiritual name is Misty Magdalena Grace (Magdalena for short). She is a plant medicine woman/spiritual teacher & microdosing coach, focused on mental/physical/spiritual health. She specializes in psilocybin, ayahuasca, jurema and psilohuasca. She has been a coach for 23 years, coaching 20,000 plus people in both health and fitness, as well as business/sales. She has seen so so many people focus on the external DOING of goal setting, new year’s resolutions and intention setting and realized that most of our success lies WITHIN. She has had her own awakening journey of working through addictive behaviors, depression/anxiety and struggles as well as many victories and successes. She has lost 12 friends to suicide and many to addiction and has a huge vision/mission to help people safely with sacred plants (noting there is a wrong way and a best way to partake) She has trained with several plant medicine women and shamans through initiations and deep dive healing over 50 times. She is here for YOU to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health and wealth limitations. She helps guide you with love and compassion with mind/body/spirit fitness as a transformational coach using guided visualization and many other tools in her vast tool belt to get you to live the life you LOVE with superconscious creation with your Higher Self - living YOUR TRUTH.
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Managing Your Mind During These Stressful Times
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Join Coach Lois as she interviews Certified Mental Games Coach Dean Hebert from Scottsdale, AZ, who is a sports pscyhologist grad and full time Mental Games Coach the last 17 years.
He is going to share with us how we can take back control what we've lost due to the Coronavirus quarantine. It's all in the power of our minds.
He will share with us best practices proven to work by elite and professional high performing people - supported by research and science.
Learn about Coach Lois' featured up and coming guests at www.healthynwealthynwise.com
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
With Systemic Racism - where do we go from here?
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
With all that is happening recently in Minneapolis, today I spoke out on my top tips on how we can overcome systemic racism as ONE
We all are ONE and what we choose to do next is what matters most
Do NOT live in the past - you have a vision and a hope and a future!
Let's focus on THAT as a community and grow together - love one another - treat each other with kindness
And it starts with this......please tune in and share #georgefloyd #vision #hope #kindness #love #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth
Friday May 22, 2020
How To Network In The New Normal
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
How has this pandemic impacted your networking?
How has it impacted your business?
Were you used to face to face meetings and networking events to fill your pipeline?
Well now we know the "new normal" is going to be very very different Both Travis Sims and Coach Lois Koffi have a combined 40+ years experience in networking both offline AND online Travis Sims if Founder and CEO of AGC - Accelerated Global Connections - and has pivoted QUICKLY to an online networking format that is revolutionary
He can show you how to pivot as well
Come and learn from him!
Monday May 18, 2020
3 Secrets To Building Online Wealth
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Coach Lois has been building an online audience and presence for 13 years and has NOT lost a second in pivoting thru this recession/pandemic/new normal thanks to Covid 19
It's what you do next that matters
She teaches today her top 3 secrets to creating an online brand and online connections that will feed you and your family and your bank account for a lifetime
Right now it is all about who you know and now WHAT you know
TUNE IN ON FRIDAY as she interviews her featured guest who is an expert in online networking at www.facebook.com/ltkfitness
For other free materials and coaching go to www.loiskoffi.com
Friday May 15, 2020
Choosing to be healthy for a lifetime
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Health is a CHOICE and your daily choices define U
Where ever you go, there you and your choices are!
How can we be healthy for a lifetime?
Join me as we have a conversation on health this week with Nutrition and Health Coach Julie Litchfield of @livingrenewed.
Julie and Lois talk about nutrition during this pandemic and how to be CHOOSE HEALTH during difficult times.
Reach out to Julie directly for her free workshops at jlitchfield8@gmail.com
Subscribe to Coach Lois' podcast at www.healthynwealthynwise.com
Need help with sales training and work/life balance? Schedule with Lois for a free coaching session and sales assessment at www.loiskoffi.com
here's to your health and wealth and wisdom! You deserve it!
Choose kindness - be kind to yourself and others
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Shifting Your Subconscious Mind - 3 Ultimate Secrets To Success
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
When 90% of your Universe is created BY your Subconscious Mind - what can you do about that?
It's time to pivot and SHIFT your subconscious!
For wherever you go, there you are!
Watch this amazing interview with Subconscious Mind expert Jenny Harkleroad of Balanced you
For a free coach call go to this link to start your SHIFT
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Wisdom of the subconscious mind
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Have you been happy with your results in life - your money/time/health/etc?
If not, well, you can blame your subconscious mind for it :-)
90% of our reality and how we react or respond to it comes from that driving force deep within.
The same force is something we can change and create different results
Saturday May 02, 2020
Wealth Building During The Pandemic & Recession
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
How are you holding up with the pandemic? How is your focus on your wealth? How do you define wealth?
Coach Lois is interviewing Nicole Aspenson who is a money coach in Southern California
Website - offer for a free book: https://livingbenefitsexperts.com/nicole
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Wealth Is A Mindset
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
What is your story around the word "Wealth"?
What does wealth mean to YOU?
How have you responded or REACTED by this pandemic and the fear based media and financial world?
Coach Lois shares her recollections from the Great Recession and how her world came tumbling down because of her MINDSET. She doesn't blame the recession.....quite the contrary.
What she learned from those lessons is still making her $$$$ AND social capital to this day
Tune in on Friday on Facebook LIVE for her wealth expert interview at 12:30 p.m. pacific time