In this shifting world, heading into the Age of Aquarius - the terms of life are changing People don’t want to conform to society They want more meaningful careers and relationships They are less motivated by money and more motivated by internal wisdom More psychic gifts are coming online and even more near death experience conversations are being talked about Plant medicines are making a come back, but how do you partake of them safely? People are becoming more health conscious but where does one turn amidst so many magic pills and quick fixes? How does one really meditate and quiet the mind? How does one go about becoming more in tune and more ”spiritual”? Misty Magdalena Grace and her guests are here to help you improve your health and wealth creation, by going INWARD to ultimately trusting your own innate Wisdom But how do we do that? Tune in to learn! Formerly known as Lois Koffi, now her ceremonial spiritual name is Misty Magdalena Grace (Magdalena for short). She is a plant medicine woman/spiritual teacher & microdosing coach, focused on mental/physical/spiritual health. She specializes in psilocybin, ayahuasca, jurema and psilohuasca. She has been a coach for 23 years, coaching 20,000 plus people in both health and fitness, as well as business/sales. She has seen so so many people focus on the external DOING of goal setting, new year’s resolutions and intention setting and realized that most of our success lies WITHIN. She has had her own awakening journey of working through addictive behaviors, depression/anxiety and struggles as well as many victories and successes. She has lost 12 friends to suicide and many to addiction and has a huge vision/mission to help people safely with sacred plants (noting there is a wrong way and a best way to partake) She has trained with several plant medicine women and shamans through initiations and deep dive healing over 50 times. She is here for YOU to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health and wealth limitations. She helps guide you with love and compassion with mind/body/spirit fitness as a transformational coach using guided visualization and many other tools in her vast tool belt to get you to live the life you LOVE with superconscious creation with your Higher Self - living YOUR TRUTH.
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Empowering Alchemy To Remove Limiting Beliefs with Nicole Majik
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
There is so much more to business and health and wealth than meets the eye
We are all energy - as is money....and today we open that conversation up
To help you identify with other ways you can ultimately find your highest and best Self
Nicole Majik holds a bachelors degree in Biology/Chemistry and a Masters in Metaphysics. She is an accomplished leadership and empowerment strategist and educator, and has created a highly effective, life-transforming empowerment program: The Alchemy of Transformation™.
She awakens your true potential by erasing limiting beliefs and showing you how to live a life you deserve without compromising who you are or what you love.
Nicole has appeared on various radio shows, local TV, as a keynote speaker for international conferences and has even appeared on the Travel Channel for Greatest Mysteries: Smithsonian as well as Beyond the Unknown Season 2 Episode 13.
Schedule a free clairty call link: https://nicolemajik.as.me/claritycall
Here is the link to the portal with the freebies! https://majikllc.vipmembervault.com
Want a special deal?
Coupon Code: Koffi30
Sign up for Lois' next free masterclass
Monday Mar 08, 2021
The 5 W's of hiring and Ca$hing in with a virtual assistant
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Many people have asked me this question so many times that I decided to do an episode about it
How does one hire a virtual assistant and what do they do for you????
I coach on this now after experiencing trial and error in this "new normal" and I wouldn't be where I am today without my team of VA's. (yes, I started with two, but now have a team!)
No one succeeds along!
Reach out and join live for all of my podcasts at www.healthynwealthynwise.com
Join me for my next List Build To Freedom Masterclass here
I will share more of my trade secrets there on how hiring a VA and then some can get you to five figures a month online
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Wealth Dynmax In The New Normal With Jerry Fetta
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Today we talk about wealth creation in the new normal!
Coach Lois interviews Jerry Fetta today
Jerry is a leader in building wealth. As the Founder and CEO of Wealth DynamX, a Wealth Creation Firm that helps clients build wealth, Jerry has a passion for providing financial education for families that causes them to build wealth and navigate their economic futures with certainty.
Jerry began his finance journey with a large national agency, got licensed and learned the basics there. Jerry decided to go off on his own and started his own firm that he built from the ground up. He got endorsed by Dave Ramsey in about 8 different territories for investing across the U.S. and was very successful at advising clients on mutual funds and retirement plans. Everything came to halt when Jerry’s mother passed away at 60-years-old and she never got to enjoy the benefits of her perfectly planned out financial retirement plan and he learned some information that he had never known about money that changed his viewpoint entirely.
He gave that first business away to a colleague and restarted with nothing. He founded Wealth DynamX, a Wealth Creation Firm that helps clients across the U.S. build wealth. He grew Wealth DynamX to $600,000 in
revenue in their first 12 months and partnered with Grant Cardone as a former licensee. Since then, they have clients around the world, numerous employees and literally help change people's lives with finances. Jerry
Fetta helps people un-confuse their money, so that they don't lose their money and can use their money to build wealth NOW!
Get access to one FREE chapter of Jerry's book The Blueprint To Financial Freedom eBook!
Meet Jerry inside of Coach Lois' Facebook community you can find and join at www.healthynwealthynwise.com
Sign up for Coach Lois's new FREE MASTERCLASS
on March 16, 2021 at 1:00 pm PT.
This class is for you if you want to...
- Learn how to have the Mindset/Vision of a Sales Champion and take the fear out of sales - creating limitless income..
- Prospect like a pro with Lois Koffi's Sales Formula (never ever feel like a bother) - attracting limitless leads and referrals with excellence.
- Learn to manage your own schedule using Lois' 12 Week Year Trainer certification and time use tools to DESIGN a life - versus letting life design you. Work/life balance is actually possible for salespeople.
- Understand the importance of a CRM (client relationship manager) and how you can build an online audience with ease, bringing them all into your pipeline.
Monday Mar 01, 2021
The Ease of Podcasting Technology - Save Time & Money With Eric Beels
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
In 2020 I wanted to launch a podcast - and actually did for the last 4 years...but it was time and money that always got me distracted at the potential of actually doing it
I tried to go it alone and it was more work than I anticipated, especially since I am NOT tech savvy
Then I found Eric Beels and he took a LOT of the work off my hands and made podcasting easy!
Now I've made over $60K in podcasting income (my #1 lead gen source) and his work allows me to focus on what I am best at - my creative genius and interviewing.
I just hit record and push play!
If I can do it, you can do it.....and you can do it WELL with Eric Beels at your side
Eric Beels works with Podcasters, Coaches & Trainers to help them bring their course from the classroom to online by simplifying the course creation process. Podcasters, Coaches & Trainers hire him to increase their income, create more freedom in their lives and explode their reach to their audience! As somebody who's been in the production industry for 11+ years, Eric can tell you a lot goes into all forms of production. Eric has since worked on hundreds of different productions from commercials and TV shows to music videos, short films and podcasts. With an exceptional grasp in all aspects of production, Eric has a strong understanding of the task it takes to produce an incredible film every step of the way. Eric & his wife Amber are the primary owners and team members at Different Mix; they pull all the pieces together to make a production happen.
You can find Eric and Lois inside of her podcasting community here
go to
You can also find more resources on all things podcasting on Lois' resources page at www.loiskoffi.com/resources
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
I am so excited you are here to be a part of history by witnessing the filming of my next level Lead Generation & Sales Mastery 5-hour course.
- This is just one episode out of 5 - if you want to get all 5, go to this link below
- Please invite your friends by giving them this link: https://loiskoffi.lpages.co/lead-gen-mastery/
Day 1 of Lead Gen & Sales Mastery Course - PERMISSION BASED SALES & MARKETING DEFINED
Coach Lois had to pivot in 2020 like MANY and had no clue where to begin in her journey
How is your lead generation in this new normal?
Or does any of this sound familiar?
Bought a program online to close more sales online
Sending countless facebook messages
Sending linked in message
Buying landing page and email campaign software
Posting on social media
Jumping into clubhouse without a plan
Spending hours every week online
Adding a bunch of people from social every day
Sending cold emails
I spent 3 months building something that never really launched…..I spent a ton of time doing webinars week after week - for 90 days straight….spent $3000/month in funnels/copywriting/coaching/infusionsoft/clickfunnels and so much more
Made NO money from March-June - took so much time/energy and my husband even was out of work by summer..... I had a lot of internal fears and pressure.....and going thru a lot of loss and grief at the same time....
Yet, It was do or die time And this 5 day course I will share my four step proven formula and how
I went from zero to hero, making 5 figures a month in less than 4 months time with permission based selling and marketing efforts online that were FUN and EASY and duplicatable
“Steve jobs Said… You have to be passionate because it’s so HARD that any rational person would give up!”
I am here for you to empower you and come alongside you to NEVER GIVE UP!!
See you tomorrow for part 2 - TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE
- Email me your vision - personal and professional for 2021
- Who do you want to serve? (your dream customer/prospect)
- How Will You Talk To Them? Or where will you find them? Facebook/Linkedin? Other?
- Start to create your LIST - have you talked to everyone in your phone since the Pandemic?
- BONUS: Make your dream 100 list - who are the influencers in your life that you can reach out to in order to maximize your lead gen potential???
- JOIN MY FB COMMUNITY https://www.facebook.com/groups/hwwpodcast
- TAKE THE SURVEY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY https://zv831.infusionsoft.app/app/form/5hour-survey
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Day 4 - 3 Key Secrets To Freedom With Permission Based Selling
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
I am so excited you are here to be a part of history by witnessing the filming of my next level Lead Generation & Sales Mastery 5-hour course.
It is a consume as you go course - there is no required timeline or "LIVE" webinar.
You can have access to all five hours and sign up/
Please invite your friends by giving them this link: http://loiskoffi.com/getleads
TODAY we talked about your DREAM
- Keep building your list toward 100 - SHARE WITH ME YOUR NUMBER
- What did my affirmations mean to you today? Have you embraced Permission Based Selling?
- OPTIONAL - Schedule a call with me ONLY if you want to take this stuff to the next level and be a part of my 6 or 12 month program and have your best year ever with online sales. First come first served over next 5 days - SERIOUS APPLICANTS ONLY https://loiskoffi.as.me/DISCOVERYCALL
Want to take a step further with me?
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
How to outsource your "busy" work with Susie Bills for just $7/hr
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Do you find yourself saying "man I wish I wasn't so busy?"
Or feeling overwhelmed and stressed out?
Think you can't afford to outsource or hire someone with your social media or email campaigns or list building???
Think again!
I am honored to introduce you to my VA agency owner, Susie Bills, of Virtual RX. She's amazing!
I love working with her team and it is sooooo affordable and took a lot of "busy" work off my plate
I am soaring into $$ with my business and having her help with my podcast more this month - likely to go full time very soon (part time hire now)
Their rates are $7.25/hour, just an FYI
In fact, it was hiring a Virtual assistant that helped me rocket launch from four figures/month to five figures/month
If you want to connect with Susie, email Lois direct at Lois@LoisKoffi.com and receive not only an introduction to Susie and her team, but also some free coaching on how Coach Lois leverages Susie's VA's in a balanced way!
Meet up with Lois and Susie inside of her facebook community at
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
The top 3 reasons why you just may never get what you want
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
I just listened to a powerful call this morning that embodied something I didn't really share directly in my course that was just finished....and I realized I needed to share!
What is really holding us back from getting what we say we want?
Our best health?
our best wealth (and it's not always money)?
Our best Wisdom??? (for me this is innate intuition of our higher Self)
Last year it all came together for me and I had an awakening of these 3 things that were holding me back from my Truth
May it resonate with you
I only have 4 spots left before my prices quadruple on March 1st!
CLICK HERE to apply ONLY if you are serious about investing $$ into one of my programs before they increase in price......for you only get this ONE TIME discovery call once.....
But what if you could find a way to invest????
I didn't think I had the money last year when I took the plunge spent $2k/month on my coach....but.....I wanted to change....
I knew I needed help and accountability.....
I knew I couldn't do it alone
Imagine having…
- Five figures a month (or multiple five figures a month)
- Inbox money while you sleep
- Never worrying about where the next sale will come from because you are attracting your dream customer into your list DAILY
- Mastering your daily method of operation
- Mastering your sales champion mindset so you keep moving forward no matter what comes your way
- REMOVED your limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks with Coach Jenny forever
- Meditation classes with Bhakti so your mind quiets and you find inner peace
- Growing your list beyond 1000 so you can build a $1M asset that pays you for LIFE and leaves a legacy for you and your family
- Completing and automating an 8 x 8 campaign (aka fortune is in the follow-up) that is automated and done for you
- Creating a sales and marketing plan to finish 2021 stronger than ever
- Automating your systems to allow you to take more time off/travel/live/breathe
- Have fun, fun, fun networking with like-minded professionals looking to WIN
- And so much more!
This is what I want for you (and I am just 6 -12 months ahead of you because that is where I got to in 2020!)
You deserve it.
You are worth it.
Your time is now.
I wanna help you WIN and CREATE that.
Monday Feb 22, 2021
You can heal your life with handwriting with Misty Cogdill
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Misty Cogdill has been studying handwriting analysis since 2011 and works with business owners, network marketers, entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers, service professionals, and anyone who wants to increase their business and reach their goals using handwriting analysis and the power of questions.
She is the Best Selling Author of "You can heal your life with handwriting"
Unlike other coaches, Misty develops specific coaching to help her clients reach their goals by analyzing personality traits and blocks in their handwriting.
As a student of the “Power of Questions,” Misty understand that life reflects the questions we ask ourselves and will help you uncover the best questions to serve you.
Your handwriting can reveal behavioral patterns, limiting beliefs, and blocks holding you back from your true potential.
When we fall in love, survive a serious illness, or change careers, our view of life is dramatically altered and, as a result, our handwriting patterns change.
Desired transformations can result from intentionally changing the way specific letters are written.
Specific cursive handwriting is a tool that can help improve your life and rewire your brain.
Changing your handwriting can help you get rid of bad habits and limiting beliefs holding you back from your goals and dreams
Misty created the Handwriting-Soul Academy in 2020to help people unlock their true potential and overcome limiting beliefs. She believes that, together, we can create our best lives possible
Contact Misty for your free handwriting analysis
- facebook.com/groups/Handwritingsoulacademy
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/mistycogdill/
You can also email me at lois@loiskoffi.com for her bonus PDF gift Handwriting Magic Formula
You can find Misty inside of my Facebook Community also
Join today at https://www.facebook.com/groups/hwwpodcast/