In this shifting world, heading into the Age of Aquarius - the terms of life are changing People don’t want to conform to society They want more meaningful careers and relationships They are less motivated by money and more motivated by internal wisdom More psychic gifts are coming online and even more near death experience conversations are being talked about Plant medicines are making a come back, but how do you partake of them safely? People are becoming more health conscious but where does one turn amidst so many magic pills and quick fixes? How does one really meditate and quiet the mind? How does one go about becoming more in tune and more ”spiritual”? Misty Magdalena Grace and her guests are here to help you improve your health and wealth creation, by going INWARD to ultimately trusting your own innate Wisdom But how do we do that? Tune in to learn! Formerly known as Lois Koffi, now her ceremonial spiritual name is Misty Magdalena Grace (Magdalena for short). She is a plant medicine woman/spiritual teacher & microdosing coach, focused on mental/physical/spiritual health. She specializes in psilocybin, ayahuasca, jurema and psilohuasca. She has been a coach for 23 years, coaching 20,000 plus people in both health and fitness, as well as business/sales. She has seen so so many people focus on the external DOING of goal setting, new year’s resolutions and intention setting and realized that most of our success lies WITHIN. She has had her own awakening journey of working through addictive behaviors, depression/anxiety and struggles as well as many victories and successes. She has lost 12 friends to suicide and many to addiction and has a huge vision/mission to help people safely with sacred plants (noting there is a wrong way and a best way to partake) She has trained with several plant medicine women and shamans through initiations and deep dive healing over 50 times. She is here for YOU to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health and wealth limitations. She helps guide you with love and compassion with mind/body/spirit fitness as a transformational coach using guided visualization and many other tools in her vast tool belt to get you to live the life you LOVE with superconscious creation with your Higher Self - living YOUR TRUTH.
Monday May 08, 2023
Back into balance - The Mother Wound
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
When we are out of balance, it means our feminine and masculine energies
Many don't believe in the word "balance" and I do!
We have two sides of our brain that say that this is possible
Many of us are stuck in the masculine side, the left side, because as a society we have shut down the feminine energies of love/compassion/grace/forgiveness/patience/receiving/creativity
The mass awakening on the planet is forcing us to wake up to the new balance of feminine AND masculine within (no matter if you are male/female or non binary)
And I found, for me, it started with healing the mother wound
There was a saying recently that my teacher shared inside of an ayurvedic medicine course
"When I am out of balance, I will tend to be more attracted to the things that will keep me out of balance"
"When I am in balance, I will be attracted toward things that will keep me in balance"
Sounds simple, no?
Well, I found that unless you realize you are OUT OF BALANCE, you don't often have a conscious thought about what you are attracted to
I found myself there 3 years ago....where I was unconsciously out of balance
And for me, balance IS possible
I had lived it before in my 20s
Many people believe balance is an illusion
I am here to say it is NOT an illusion
For me, balance is simply a word that means alignment
Am I in alignment with my true nature and purpose?
Am I loving myself FULLY and all parts of me?
Am I compassion toward myself and others?
Am I balanced in my right and left brain - honoring that sacred union of feminine and masculine energies that we ALL have inside of us (no matter the gender)
I wasn't loving myself and compassionate toward myself and others 3 years ago
I was nearly 40 lbs heavier than I am now - which was a telling sign
I was stuck in my analytical mind (masculine) of logic and numbers and executing systems/DOING mostly, versus barely BEING (feminine)
I had zero spaciousness in my life - so my mind was always on go go go go....until of course I found something to numb it (ie alcohol, social media, etc)
I was carrying "weight" on my frame that had every indicator that I was out of alignment
I was attracted to heavy amounts of alcohol to escape my pain and grief that was left unresolved
I was attracted to mentors and coaches that were very intensely focused on money and had different values that really weren't my truth (again masculine dominant side of the brain)
I had shut down my feminine side of my brain and was not really softening into my compassionate, loving, kind heart.
I realized first, that it was my "mother wound" that was a big part of that shutting down of the feminine
Being raised by a single dad in a very patriarchal/masculine brain dominant society, it was easy to shut that down
Once I started to heal that mother wound, everything changed.
I could accept my femininity more and more
Balancing my brain looked like being more loving and vulnerable
Being more open to tears
Being more open to asking for help and showing that I didn't have all my "shit" together
That I could make mistakes and work on my shadow (shame/fear/guilt)
It didn't happen overnight
However, it slowly shifted with the help of meditation, breathwork, kundalini yoga to balance the inner sacred union of feminine and masculine
And of course the shadow work of feeling abandoned from my mom from as early as in utero
But also ALL of humanity abandoning the feminine side of ourselves
Once I started bringing that feminine and masculine within myself in better balance/alignment, then I was attracted to less alcohol and more nourishing food and drink
I was attracted to more coaches/mentors in alignment with my truth
I could also attract more friends/relationships that were more in alignment
AND my kids/husband could have a more softened/feminine mother!
I got more creative, more excited about music/laughter and FUN
More excited about music and my writing - things that I had abandoned when I was out of balance
So remember, as within, so without
If you can't or don't heal these feminine wounds (aka mother wound), you will stay out of balance and likely tend to be more attracted to things that do NOT serve you (addictions/toxic relationships/numbing mechanisms, etc)
You will likely also stay stuck in a loop of a victim story (like I had of not ever feeling "enough" and trying to fill your days/hours up with "stuff" that is not fulfilling
And there is soooo much more where that came from!
I have never taught this exact content before and will be sharing in a free mother wound healing class on Thursday at 2 p.m. PST
Here is the registration link for the live class OR to receive the recording
tune in to hear more on this podcast
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